Tuesday 25 September 2012


 Children must be introduced to a variety of genres and writing styles to help develop their own interest in reading and writing. Today they explored an area in the library and came back to class to discuss what all did they see and why do they need to read books. That area had children books from all genres. Great exposure J

Way to go!!!!


Students worked with the Transdisciplinary theme by

 discussing the strands in groups and presenting their

 understanding and the big ideas to the class.

Monday 24 September 2012


Learning from how people are more alike than different student will make a Class Museum. The objective was to understand whether the child has understood that people around the world are physically, socially and emotionally same despite all their differences and how their individual strengths and weaknesses make them unique. Children used two or more fictional or real individuals as the subjects of their study.
The presentation focussed on:
·      the physical, social and emotional characteristics that humans have
·       How these characteristics are different from region to region but still have certain similarities
·      There should be a comparison of two or more individuals from different regions in order to show how a certain strengths or weaknesses makes an individual unique
Children came up with different styles of presentations. To my amazement what a variety I had: charts, PPT, comic book, case study and many more.

Really feel blessed to have such an amazing bunch of students J

Sunday 23 September 2012


Kids that start ahead, stay ahead. And teaching children goal setting is by far the best way to help them start ahead and secure their future. As a follow up of the SWOT Analysis, children also made achievable goals for themselves looking at their weaknesses. Learning how to set reasonable and attainable goals is a valuable lesson for students of all ages. Children have to be accountable for achieving or not achieving their goals. All students set goals and will do it periodically throughout the year and be continually checked on the success of their goals or eliminating goals that are no longer applicable to their life.

Friday 14 September 2012


SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is a tool for analyzing the current situation both internally (strengths and weaknesses) and externally (opportunities and threats). It provides helpful baseline information for a group that wants to vision the future. One of the greatest advantages of SWOT analysis is that it helps to summarize and clarify whatever opportunities and issues are we facing as adults. For this reason, a SWOT analysis often plays a key role in how an individual can set his/her objectives and develop strategies for achieving goals. And this what we did today in class!!! 


I gave every group a set of cards. The group appointed a dealer who shuffled, dealt one card to each one and then put the remaining cards in a pile face down on the table.  The child thought about the card he/she had been given and how it reflected their personality, as either a strength or a weakness. If the card meant something to them, KEEP IT. Starting to the left of the dealer each member of the group, in turn had the chance to reject their card and put it face down underneath the pile, and replace it with another from the top of the pile. If they get a blank card they could write in strengths or weaknesses of their choice. The exercise was completed when all the cards had been used. Everyone in the group then showed their selection of cards to the rest of the group and, in turn, each of them explained their choice of strengths and weaknesses cards.
Other members of the group also asked them to give examples.

It was taken so well by the children…..I am planning it to do with teachers as well in one of the collaboration meetings. J


Clowns, farmers, animals, witches, demons and many more were seen at today at book character parade. The thing I love most about the Literacy Week though is not the dress-up factor, not just getting to see everyone's choice of character and costume which is super fun! No, my favourite part is seeing children get excited about books and reading. One of my own favourite things in the whole world to do is curl up with a good book and get lost in its pages. There are so many adventures to be had in the pages of books.

 I just thought I'd include this little picture I saw recently... I know books can't really hug you, but sometimes it's as if the stories and characters come alive and seem to jump off the page at you.

 Have you ever experienced something like this?