Wednesday 20 March 2013


Students used the CUBING strategy to display their understanding on Finite resources – DESCRIBE, COMPARE, CONNECT, ANALYZE, ARGUE and APPLY. Students made notes on writing sheets. They used a card-board box from home and pasted their presentations on it.
DESCRIBE- Describe different kinds of finite resources.

COMPARE- Compare any 2 finite resources using Venn diagram

CONNECT- Connect any 2 finite resources with your essential needs.

ANALYZE- Analyze any 2 finite resources and tell how they are made?

APPLY- Apply it..(any 2)What will you do with them?

ARGUE- Argue for or against any 1 of the finite resource. Use any reasoning you want.

Monday 18 March 2013

Friday 15 March 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Before sharing their research of the finite resources, students felt the need to thank MOTHER NATURE for what all she has given us.....

I shared this poem with students......

Thanking mother nature…

-Thank you for the life giving water resting
 in the oceans and rivers,
 flying in the skies, a blessing as rain refreshing and 
life giving to the land 
and all its inhabitants.

-Thank you for those laws that make it fly
 as steam,
 descend as rain,
 run as rivers,
 stand as glaciers and ice - valuable as life.

-Thanks for all those laws and 
 in this worldly system 
that make it useful
 for the bodily vehicle that our "selves" drive 
and rest every night.

-What ever you call the "source" -
 God or Nature
 or any other good name 
- think, realize and be thankful.

-Thanking for helping to lower cholesterol 
to those 
used to fight malaria -
- originally derived from natural sources.

-Thanking nature for everything I see,
 touch, smell, hear, 
eat and drink  always
 from my heart.

-Power of the ebb and flow 
of the tides.
 It all has such a significant
 whether it's scientific or just plain
 ole personal.

-Thanking for the gravity 
 that helps in keeping your feet
 on the ground.

-Water sources. Rivers, oceans,
 ponds, streams,
 your body needs this
 and should be replenished. 

"To forget how to dig the earth and to 
tend the soil is to forget ourselves".
--Mohandas K. Gandhi   

List of finite resources that my children made:
soil, coal, gas, crude oil, forests, rock, water, minerals

Thursday 7 March 2013


Students did a nature walk in and around school. They found out the important natural resources that are essential for their survival. This further led them to differentiate between basic finite and infinite resources.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Students worked with the Transdisciplinary Theme strands and discussed them in groups. They then listed 3-4 real life issues related to each strand.  
What issues they listed!!!  I’m scared, how will I deal with them in class. We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking. At times I feel it’s too early but at the same time I guess my kiddies are ready for this …..Leaves me pondering. 


Students did a BUS-STOP activity where they stopped and pondered at the five stops:

  1. Passing a handful of snacks which is not enough for everyone.


2. People Problem video

3.Newspaper headlines

4.Picture book – ‘WINDOW’ by Jeannie Baker

5.Video – The Human Impact on the earth

PARKING LOT:  We used a ‘Parking Lot’ reflection activity for students to generate a list of responses. After each bus-stop activity, students wrote their reflections using the post-its. 

In the end the whole class gallery-walks to read each poster.